Poster Design
These posters were based on real French safety posters. I had a lot of fun drawing various tongue-in-cheek situations for the Netflix production ‘Half Bad’ (2022). French poster design in the 1960s was characterized by vibrancy and innovative techniques that captivated audiences. Influenced by emerging art movements such as Pop Art and Op Art, these posters embraced bold colors, strong graphic elements, and experimental typography. The iconic imagery and avant-garde compositions reflected the social and cultural transformations of the era. Artists like Raymond Savignac and Bernard Villemot crafted memorable posters that captured the essence of the zeitgeist, seamlessly blending aesthetics and communication. French poster design in the 1960s pushed boundaries, creating visually striking pieces that remain influential in the world of graphic design today.
Book Design
I joined the graphics team on ‘Extraordinary’ for a few weeks at the end of production of season two. I was brought on to assist with additional dressing for the above set. A scene required a number of books to fall away revealing a door. For safety, the ‘books’ were foam with our designed jackets wrapped around.