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Welcome to my portfolio page *
Film & Television
Graphic Design
Here you will find a range of graphic designs I have created for film and TV productions. My favourite graphics are when we produce original illustrations for each design such as the above. These posters were based on real French safety posters. I had a lot of fun drawing various tongue-in-cheek situations for the Netflix production ‘Half Bad’ (2022). See the full series of posters and other examples such as labels etc below.
Occasionally I draw original illustrations as props. Depending on the use, I’ll either create these digitally or freeform on paper. I prefer drawing in biro over pencil as it shows on camera better and doesn’t soften over time. If pencil or charcoal is required, I would scan the drawing or produce it digitally to prevent fading and to create repeats. A key prop for the Netflix show ‘Half Bad - The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself’ is a sketch of Annalise in charcoal.
Most of the Photoshop we do in the Graphics department are family photos as set dressing etc. So the magazine for ‘Downton Abbey: A New Era’ (2022) above was quite a fun one. We had a full photo shoot with the actors in costume and makeup for two key magazine props. As the film was set in the 1920s, I chose to turn the cover image black and white and recolour it by hand to give a soft look.
I mostly paint in my free time but some paintings have made their way onto set. Some also take a crew member’s face along with them. My portrait of Louis Knight, the concept artist on season 12 of ‘Doctor Who’, decorated a famous scientist’s office in one episode. I used acrylic for quick drying with a gloss medium added for an ‘oil paint’ like sheen.
Documents & Reports
The backbone of graphics is all the text-based documents, newspapers, reports, letters, tickets etc. Along with labels they make up the bulk of what we create in the graphics department. The 1940s-style newspaper above was created for ‘Doctor Who’ (Season 12). The front page of newspapers at this time were very simple with illustrations and adverts on the back page.
Logos & Emblems
Often graphics or props will require a logo, sometimes these will mimic known ones such as the one above, used for the Apple TV production The Essex Serpent (2022). Other times they are new creations, invented for a fictional company or establishment within the story. These logos will appear on multiple items once designed so a lot of care and attention is paid to the design.

Why I love it
The variety that working in graphics allows me is wonderful. I never know if I will be making doctors’ reports from the 1920s or stencils for alien graffiti.
Anya Kordecki
If you want to know more about my work or have any other questions, you can contact me by clicking the link below.